In the current face-paced world, orthopedic injuries have become common in people of any age group. It is said that a person needs to take a minimum of ten thousand steps on any given day. The knee joints are the most stressed joints in the human body. Knees provide support to the lower limbs and are prone to injuries that most commonly include wear and tear of the joint cartilage tissue. Stem cell therapy for ACL tears is a cutting-edge non-surgical treatment option that is gaining huge popularity over the past decade.
Lower limb injuries significantly affect the person’s mobility and make them lead a sedentary lifestyle. Knee plays a crucial role in walking, running, and climbing stairs. An ACL injury is one of the most common knee conditions that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment to prevent further worsening of the condition. Stem cell therapy for knees utilizes the body’s natural healing agents that repair the damaged tissue and promote the regeneration of new tissue. It is an effective non-surgical alternative treatment for ACL tears.
What is an ACL tear or injury?
A tear or sprain of the major knee ligament known as Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is known as an ACL tear or injury. ACL injuries are common in the people who play sports that involve jumping, a sudden change in the direction or abrupt landing. ACL tears are common in sportspeople who play football, soccer, and basketball.
A pop sound is one of the most common signs of a torn ACL. People who suffer from an ACL tear experience severe pain and swelling in the knee. Also, it becomes too painful for a person to bear weight, especially while standing and moving from one place to another. According to the research studies have said that female athletes are more prone to the risk of ACL tears when compared to male athletes. This is because of the difference in muscular strength and physical conditioning between the male and female athletes. Surgical treatment for an ACL tear in the knee involves a lengthy recovery period and rehabilitation. This makes a sportsperson stay away from the ground for more time periods.
ACL tear treatment without surgery
ACL ligament repair is often done by surgical intervention. Surgery for ACL tear requires longer recovery and rehabilitation periods that make you stay away from routines for a longer duration. Surgical intervention for an ACL tear takes from six months to nine months to return to the regular activities to the pre-injury level of the knee function.
Stem cell treatment for torn ACL tear does not require months of recovery periods, unlike surgery. The treatment utilizes the patient’s autologous biological cells to enhance the body’s natural healing ability. Stem cells are the specialized cells in the human body that can differentiate into different cell types in the body.
The stem cells harvested from the bone marrow of the patient are concentrated in the laboratory before they are injected into the site of the injury. The stem cell treatment is a novel orthopedic therapy where the customized stem cell concentrates are injected into the damaged site to enhance the tissue regeneration naturally.
ACL injury treatment without surgery does not even involve an incision of the skin. The procedures are needle-based therapies where the biological cells obtained from the bone marrow are concentrated in a lab and reinjected into the patient’s body at the site of an injury. The stem cells concentrated in the lab are precisely injected into the injury site with the help of image-guided techniques, such as fluoroscopy and ultrasound.
Benefits of stem cell therapy for an ACL tear
Most of the knee problems hinder our daily routines in multiple ways. Stem cell treatment for ACL injury repairs the damaged cartilage tissues and enables the regeneration of healthy tissue. Stem cell therapy for ACL ligament repair is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure where the autologous stem cells are injected into the injured knee ligament without any surgery.
With ACL surgery, most of the athletes do not get back to playing their sport before six months of post-surgery. Unlike traditional surgical procedures, patients who undergo stem cell therapy can avoid lengthy recovery and rehab periods. Many professional athletes prefer these cutting-edge stem cell and PRP injections to prevent a pause in their sports career.
Our clinics can help you get rid of orthopedic pain with advanced stem cell treatments. Do visit our Orthopaedic clinic in Dallas, TX or contact us at +1 817-442-9292 for more information.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)
How effective is stem cell therapy for knee in ACL ligament repair?
An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the most injured knee ligament, especially in the young and active individuals. ACL cannot regenerate by itself without surgery. But, the mechanism of stem cells has proven to achieve amazing tissue regeneration. Stem cell therapy provides pain relief, reduces inflammation and aids repair of the damaged knee cartilage.
Does treatment for ACL tear in the knee result in side effects?
The stem cells used in the treatment for an ACL tear in the knee are harvested from the patient’s bone marrow. Stem cell therapy does not result in adverse effects nor any side effects from the treatment. However, one might experience slight pain and redness of the skin at the site of the injection, which might subside within a few hours of the treatment.
Does stem cell therapy for knees require hospitalization?
Stem cell procedure for the knee is a same-day, outpatient protocol that does not require hospitalization. After completion of the stem cell or PRP treatment, one needs to follow the instructions given by the doctor that include physiotherapy exercises.
Are there any chances of rejection of stem cell therapy?
Stem cell therapy for ACL tears in the knee does not result in any adverse effects. Since the stem cells employed in the procedure are harvested from the patient’s bone marrow (autologous), there are no chances of rejection.
How does SCP for ACL tear help?
When compared to the whole blood, plasma has numerous growth factors that cater to tissue regeneration. Super concentrated platelet (SCP) is obtained by centrifuging the plasma in the laboratory. Concentrated plasma contains 5 to 10 times of increased growth factors when compared to the usual plasma. SCP injections are highly effective in the treatment of partial ACL tears. SCP therapy for partial ACL ruptures can reduce pain, inflammation, and improve the functioning of the knee.