Most of our everyday activities involve hand movements that result in the movement of our shoulders. Shoulder pain is one of the most common problems that can arise from various day-to-day activities that we perform. Some of the shoulder conditions are addressed by pain and anti-inflammatory medicines, while some chronic conditions require surgery. Stem cell therapy for shoulder labral tear is an effective non-surgical orthopedic therapy that helps to avoid the need for surgery. Stem cells for shoulder labral tear repair the damaged tissue and promote the growth of the healthy tissue.

The labrum is a rubbery tissue attached to the shoulder socket. It is a cartilage that surrounds the ball and socket joint of the shoulder. Rotator cuff muscles help the labrum to place the ball in the socket and allow free rotation of the upper arm. An injury or repetitive motion of the shoulder can tear the labrum. Shoulder labrum tears occur around the glenoid joint. A glenoid is a shallow opening of the shoulder where the labrum is present. Labrum pain causes difficulty in raising and moving your arm.

Regenerative treatment methods with the help of stem cells and blood platelets have gained a lot of attention over the past decade. Stem cell therapy and super concentrated platelet (SCP) therapy are the effective, proven methods to heal the shoulder labrum tear non-surgically. Stem cell therapy accelerates one’s own inflammatory response to repair the damaged labrum tissue. Also, stem cells aid in protecting the surrounding tissue from damage. Hence, regenerative stem cell therapy is potentially more effective than shoulder surgery for labral tears.

Use of stem cells to treat shoulder injuries

Stem cells can transform into different cell types in the body, thereby enabling the repair of the damaged tissue. Stem cells are derived from the bone marrow of the patient, which is further concentrated in the laboratory to treat the condition. Stem cells accelerate the body’s natural healing mechanism without surgery.

As a person ages, the risk of developing orthopedic injuries will increase with time. Acute orthopedic conditions can be healed by medications and physical therapy. Whereas, chronic orthopedic problems will require surgical intervention. Most of the time, surgery results in side effects and risks of complications that can become bothersome for many weeks.

Stem cell therapy for labral tear efficiently repairs the damage in the shoulder without surgery. It enhances the body’s natural healing capacity to repair and restore the health of the shoulder tissue. Precise-image guided injections are administered into the shoulder labrum tear to trigger the healing process. Torn labrum shoulder treatment with stem cells heals the damaged tissue from within, thereby repairing and restoring the health of the surrounding tissue.

Stem cell treatment is an advanced orthopedic therapy that helps in torn labrum shoulder recovery without surgery. During the procedure, the doctor will collect the stem cells from the patient’s bone marrow, which are precisely injected into the site of the injury or damage in the shoulder. The collected bone marrow stem cell sample is processed in a laboratory to obtain a concentrated stem cell extract. The doctor will locally numb the shoulder and inject the stem cells precisely with the help of image-guided techniques, such as fluoroscopy and ultrasound.

In addition to stem cell therapy, in some severe cases, SCP injections are administered to aid in quick healing of the damaged tissue. Platelets collected from the patient are centrifuged to obtain a five to ten times more concentrated extract known as platelet-rich plasma. This SCP is injected to the site of injury to enhance or speed up the growth of the healthy tissue, thereby relieving the pain and improving the condition of shoulder labral tear.

Advantages of stem cell therapy for a labral tear

Stem cell treatments are the non-surgical, minimally-invasive procedures that help to avoid the need for elective surgery. Currently, stem cell therapy is a booming orthopedic therapy with numerous advantages when compared to conventional treatments. Surgery often involves lengthy periods for recovery and rehabilitation. Shoulder labrum recovery time with stem cell therapy is less when compared to surgery. Also, the post-treatment rehabilitation is quick, unlike after surgical intervention.

Stem cell therapy is a same-day, outpatient procedure where a patient needs to stay at the hospital neither prior nor post-treatment. The stem cells used in the procedure are autologous cells drawn from the patient’s bone marrow. The patient who received stem cell therapy is free from the risk of developing side effects since the chance of rejection of stem cells is completely zero. Surgery often involves post-surgical complications, such as infections or instability for an extended period of time. Stem cell therapy does not lead to the development of any post-procedure complication.

Our clinics can help you get rid of orthopedic pain with advanced stem cell treatments. Do visit our Orthopaedic clinic in Dallas, TX or contact us at +1 817-442-9292 for more information.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Will stem cell therapy for torn shoulder labrum result in side effects?

Stem cell treatment for shoulder labral tear is a highly safe non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that does not result in any side effects. Stem cells used in the process are obtained from the patient’s bone marrow. Since the stem cells are not taken from the donor, there is no fear of rejection and a chance of developing side effects. However, patients who receive stem cell injections might experience slight pain and redness at the site of injection, which gets reduced with pain medications.

Can stem cells treat torn labrum of the shoulder?

Stem cells are the specialized cells in the human body that accelerate the body’s own natural healing response. Stem cell injections can effectively reduce the pain, inflammation, and repair the shoulder labrum tear. Surgical management of shoulder labrum tears can result in secondary complications post-procedure. Also, stem cell therapy for shoulder labral tear improves the shoulder function and restores the health of the surrounding tissue.

What care should we take during the recovery?

Patients who received stem cell injections for shoulder labrum tear can return to their work and regular activities the next day of receiving the treatment. It is important to take care that one who received stem cell therapy for shoulder should not do any strenuous work and load-bearing exercises for at least two weeks after receiving the stem cell injections. Also, the doctor would recommend avoiding anti-inflammatory medications as they might interfere with the healing process

How does stem cell treatment for shoulder labrum tear work?

Shoulder labrum is a fibrocartilaginous structure that provides a free range of motion. Stem cells enable the natural healing process from within. After receiving the stem cell injections, stem cells directly act at the site of the damage and begin to regenerate healthy tissue. Apart from regenerating a healthy cartilage tissue, stem cells prevent the damage of the surrounding healthy tissue.

Can X-ray imaging identify the shoulder labrum tear?

The labrum is a soft tissue that is not shown up in an X-ray. However, X-rays help in identifying the injuries that are contributing to shoulder pain. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan helps the doctor to have a close look at the soft tissue of the shoulder.

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