Our back and spinal cord provide great strength and support to our body that is crucial for mobility. The spine keeps our body in the upright position and helps us to bend with flexibility. One cannot move any part of the body without the spinal cord nor could any organs function without it. The nerves in the spinal cord connect the brain to the remaining parts of the body, by which it controls the body movements. Any disturbance in the nerve roots of the spine can produce back pain that can be acute or chronic. Back pain can be mild or extreme, which can go away or be persistent. Acute back pain usually occurs suddenly and lasts for a few days to weeks. While chronic back pain is something that lasts for more than three months. Problems in the spinal discs, joints or ligaments can be the underlying cause of chronic back pain.

Lower back pain often results from the degenerative changes that occur in the spinal structures. Also, it can occur due to an improper posture, inactive lifestyle, and obesity. Low back pain makes it challenging to carry out regular daily activities and the pain gets worsened while doing your daily routines. The pain is associated with muscle tension and usually affects the range of motion. Some of the significant causes of low back pain are weakness in the core muscles, strain on the back while sitting or standing for long durations, psychological stress and other illnesses.

In our day-to-day life, most of us rely on over-the-counter pain relievers, medications and external braces to get relief from back pain. However, this can be a remedy for acute back pain that usually goes within a few days to weeks. Some of the chronic conditions like degenerative disc disease would require surgical intervention that often requires long periods for recovery and keeps you away from work until complete recovery. Regenerative stem cell therapy is an advanced treatment option for back pain and degenerative disc diseases. The stem cell procedures involve the usage of autologous biological cells without the need for surgery. Stem cell treatments are minimally-invasive outpatient procedures that provide faster recovery from treatment.

Advanced non-surgical protocols for herniated discs

A herniated disc, also known as slipped disc, ruptured disc, or bulged disc, is a condition where a part of the disc nucleus is pushed into the spinal canal out of the annulus by a tear or rupture. This often causes sharp, shooting pain due to the pressure on the spinal nerves. Sometimes, herniated discs can cause weakness, numbness or tingling sensation in the legs.

Stem cell therapy is an effective non-surgical alternative for degenerative disc diseases. Stem cells for herniated discs is a non-surgical alternative for those suffering from disc problems. Stem cell injections are directly administered into the damaged discs of the patient with the help of image-guided techniques, such as fluoroscopy and ultrasound. Also, natural growth factors from the patient’s blood platelets are injected as platelet lysate injections to enhance the process of tissue regeneration. Stem cell injections for herniated discs helps the patients to avoid surgery, which often takes longer periods for recovery, unlike stem cell treatments.

Stem cell therapy for spine problems

Interventional orthopedics provides minimally invasive stem cell procedures for fusion surgery. Stem cell therapy for spine problems utilizes customized concentrations of the bone marrow-derived stem cells, which are injected into the injured or damaged part of the spine with the help of advanced imaging guidance. Stem cell therapy addresses the source of pain by the natural healing process without medication and surgery. Regenerative stem cell injections ensure precise placement of the stem cells into the damaged tissue within a few minutes by using the image-guidance either by fluoroscopy or ultrasound.

Stem cell therapy for arthritis in the back is a minimally-invasive outpatient procedure that does not require a hospital stay. The patient’s own bone marrow-derived stem cells are concentrated in the laboratory and are injected into the damaged part of the spine to repair and replace the damaged tissue with a healthy one.

The facet joints are a pair of synovial joints present between the two adjacent vertebrae. Problems in the facet joints can disable the lower back and even cause neck problems. They are the stabilizing joints that provide a cushion between the two vertebrae. Facet degeneration can cause severe pain in the spine and can disable the free movement. Stem cell therapy helps to treat facet joint problems non-surgically without surgery.

Lumbar back pain resulting from a herniated disc or pinched nerve can be treated with stem cell injections. A bulging lumbar disc that irritates lumbar nerve root can cause sciatica pain that radiates to the legs. This discomfort responds poorly to pain medication and causes burning pain and numbness in the affected area. The loss of healthy cells in the cellular level results in damage to the internal structures. Stem cell therapy for lumbar spine pain is an effective non-surgical alternative to surgical treatment.

Stem cell treatments for sciatica pain are the revolutionizing options to minimize pain and restore the potential function of the discs. The adult stem cells are harvested and injected into the painful disc and to reduce the inflammation in the nerve root. The minimally invasive treatments for disc problems are helpful to reduce inflammation, minimize the nerve irritation, and control the disc degeneration. Thus, regenerative stem cell therapy helps to rebuild healthy tissue.

Spinal stenosis is characterized by abnormal narrowing of the spaces within the spine. This imparts pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves that travel through the spine. There are two types of spinal stenosis, namely cervical stenosis and lumbar stenosis. Cervical stenosis is a condition where there is a narrowing of the spaces within the spine in the neck. Whereas, lumbar stenosis, which is the most common one occurs in the part of the spine in the lower back. Stem cell therapy for spinal stenosis is an incredible treatment option to repair and address the underlying problem within the spine. Stem cells help to reduce the inflammation resulting from the damage or irritation of the scar tissue.

The stem cell therapy for back pain clinical trials prove that stem cells work as the natural healing agents in the treatment of various spine conditions, which commonly includes back pain. In some cases, the current treatment modalities fail to treat discogenic low back pain. Stem cell therapy from allogeneic sources is effective in the treatment of discs that cause discogenic low back pain.

Regenerative treatments to rebuild the damaged tissue

Regenerative treatments by using autologous stem cells and blood platelets can repair and rebuild the damaged tissue in the case of back pain and spine-related problems. Stem cell therapy reduces inflammation and provides extreme pain relief without medications and surgery. Also, the treatment increases the functionality and range of motion in the affected area.

Stem cell therapy is a natural healing process with the help of one’s own biological cells that provides long-term treatment solutions for spine problems. One of the significant benefits of stem cell therapy is that the procedures are the same-day or outpatient protocols that do not involve longer hospital stay, unlike surgical intervention.

Our clinics can help you get rid of orthopedic pain with advanced stem cell treatments. Do visit our orthopaedic clinic in Dallas, TX or contact us at +1 817-442-9292 for more information.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s)

Does stem cell therapy work for back pain?

Conservative treatment for back pain, such as anti-inflammatory medications, pain medicine, and physical therapy, might not be effective in the treatment of back pain. Stem cell therapy for back pain can restore healthy tissue and alleviate chronic back pain. Stem cell treatments are minimally invasive procedures that do not involve an incision on the skin nor longer recovery periods from the treatment.

Does stem cell therapy work for lower back pain?

Lower back pain often results due to herniated discs, degenerative discs, and facet joint problems. The lower back pain can be acute or chronic, depending on the underlying tissue damage. Low back pain significantly impacts the regular activities and disables from doing everyday tasks. Stem cell procedures for chronic lower back pain serve as the best non-surgical treatment to relieve the pain and reduce inflammation in the spinal discs. Also, the physiotherapy exercises post-treatment help to strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles.

Does insurance cover stem cell therapy for back pain?

Stem cell therapy is an advanced non-surgical treatment option that is booming over the past few years. With a vast scope of stem cell benefits, there is extensive ongoing research across the world to extract benefits of stem cells furthermore in the treatment of various ailments. No wonder stem cell therapy remains as a novel treatment option for musculoskeletal injuries. However, since stem cell therapy is under the experimental medical procedure, the health insurance companies do not cover the cost of the procedure.

Is stem cell therapy for back pain FDA approved?

Stem cells have a unique potential to treat various medical conditions. The autologous stem cells from the bone marrow can treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. The stem-cell-based therapies are the non-surgical solutions for the treatment of back pain. The guidelines of stem cell therapy are FDA reviewed and approved.

Does stem cell therapy work for degenerative disc disease?

The stem cell therapy and blood platelet procedures deployed to treat degenerative disc diseases are an effective treatment option for those who prefer to choose non-surgical methods of treatment. The autologous stem cells derived from the patient’s own body work as the natural healing agents in repairing and replacing the damaged disc material. The stem cells provide tissue regeneration, thereby enabling to heal the pain and inflammation resulting from disc problems. Stem cell therapy is an advanced non-surgical, a minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of degenerative intervertebral disk disease.

How long does stem cell injections last?

Stem cell therapy has shown lasting results in the treatment of orthopedic conditions. The stem cells continue to work on the target sites for up to one year. However, most of the patients might start experiencing relief from treatment within two weeks of receiving stem cell injections. It is important for patients to continue with post-treatment physical therapy for effective results.

Can stem cells regenerate discs?

Stem cells are the specialized cells in the human body that can develop into different cell types. The ability of stem cells to develop into various cell types helps in the treatment of various health conditions. Stem cell therapy is a novel and effective non-surgical treatment option for many orthopedic problems. Stem cells, when injected into the damaged areas of the discs, repair and replace the injured or damaged tissue with a healthy tissue. Apart from repairing the damaged tissue, stem cells restore the health of the tissue that surrounds the damaged portion of the discs.

How effective is stem cell therapy for back pain?

The treatment for back pain is often challenging with varying underlying reasons. Back pain can be acute or chronic based on muscle or tissue affected. Conservative treatment involves anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications, and surgery, which sometimes could not resolve the problem effectively. The stem cells injected into the spine are proven to provide natural healing therapy for back ailments.

How satisfied are the patients who received stem cell therapy for back pain?

Most of the patients who received stem cell therapy for back pain have experienced relief within two weeks of receiving stem cell injections. However, physiotherapy that involves or back pain exercises is advisable to experience better treatment results. The patients who received stem cell therapy for back pain have found significant improvement in alleviating the pain and improving flexibility. Also, they are able to return to their routines much quicker when compared to post-surgical procedures.

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