When preparing to proceed with medical treatment, it is smart to do some research and learn more about the potential outcome. Patients deserve to know the likelihood of recovery and any other potential side effects or results that can affect their outcomes.

The good news is that Regenexx offers full transparency so you can view patient outcomes for different types of regenerative treatments. You can view an active registry that tracks post-procedure progress, as well as side effects, function improvement, and more. There are tens of thousands of records in this database.

Does Regenexx Work?

There are many documented cases of success using Regenexx treatments. But keep in mind that every situation is unique. The effectiveness of the treatment varies depending on the patient, condition, and a variety of other factors.

If you want to know whether Regenexx will work for you, reach out to our team at RegenOrthoSport to schedule a consultation. We will discuss your diagnosis and assist in designing a treatment plan that will offer optimal results for your condition.

Also, our team is happy to provide specific information about patient results using Regenexx for similar injuries. Rest assured, knowing that all treatment plans are based on data, increasing the possible outcome after treatment.

Regenexx for the Cervical Spine

More than 4,363 patients are tracked in the Regenexx database for cervical spine treatments.

  • Before treatment, patients reported an average function of 53%. Post-treatment, the function reports increase to 74%.
  • Pain levels decrease by an average of 31%.
  • After 1 month, patients report a 37% in overall improvement of the cervical spine.

Regenexx for Elbows

More than 1,255 patients are being tracked in the database for Regenexx elbow treatments.

  • Function improvement increased as high as 94%, compared with 69% before treatment.
  • Elbow pain decreased by 35% within one month after the procedure.
  • Overall elbow joint improvement increased by 37% after Regenexx. 

Regenexx for Foot & Ankle

2,890 foot and ankle patients are in the Regenexx database:

  • After Regenexx, patients reported an average of 78% optimal function, compared to 59% before treatment.
  • After one month of treatment, pain levels decreased to 2.9/10 as opposed to 4.5 before, which is a 36% improvement.
  • Overall joint and ankle improvement increased by 35% after only one month and continues to improve from there.

Regenexx for Hand & Wrist

More than 1,980 hand and wrist patients are in the Regenexx Patient Registry.

  • After treatment, patients report operating on an average of 83% functionality compared to 67% prior to treatment.
  • Pain improves by 35%, with a pain level of 2.8 after treatment compared to 4.3 before treatment.
  • Patients feel 34% better overall in their hands and wrists after only one month of treatment.

Regenexx for Hip

Over 4,670 hip patients are registered with Regenexx data tracking.

  • Before treatment, patients were limited to 59% of their optimal function. After treatment, they report averages up to 81%.
  • Pain levels decrease by 36% after treatment.
  • Patients experience 34% better hip results overall after one month of Regennex treatment.

Regenexx for Knee

A staggering 16,474 knee patients are observed in the Regennex database.

  • Before treatment, they were limited to 56% of optimal knee function. After treatment, patients experience 75% functionality.
  • Pain levels decrease by 47% after one month of treatment.
  • Patients feel their knees are 39% better after only one month of treatment and continue to see improvements.

Regenexx for Lumbar

Over 12,250 lumbar patients are in the Regennex tracking system.

  • After treatment, patients experience 72% optimal lumbar function compared to 50% before treatment.
  • Pain levels decrease by 31% after only one month of treatment.
  • Overall, patients feel their lumbar joint is 35% better after one month of treatment.

Regenexx for Shoulder

6,046 shoulder patients are registered in the Regennex Patient Registry.

  • After treatment, shoulder patients feel they could use 88% optimal function of their shoulders compared to 66% before treatment.
  • Pain levels decreased by 37% only one month after treatment.
  • Patients feel an average of 33% better in their shoulders after treatment, with continued improvements.

How Effective Is Regenexx?

As you look at the numbers, it’s easy to see that the results from Regenexx are impressive. Keep in mind that nearly all patients who have received Regenexx treatments are registered in this database, so the numbers are fairly accurate in portraying real outcomes.

The numbers speak for themselves regarding the success of Regenexx.

  • Most regions of the body improve between 50 – 60% after Regenexx.
  • Long-term success for musculoskeletal pain is reported between 50 – 78%.
  • Various parts of the body can be treated successfully, including the spine, hip, shoulder, knee, hand/wrist, and ankle/foot.
  • The most successful short-term results are knee treatments.
  • The most successful long-term results are for shoulder treatments.

How Long Does It Take for Regenexx to Work?

Every Regenexx specialist knows that it is important to manage patient expectations for these treatments. While the hope is that regenerative medicine will help you overcome the chronic pain issues you are living with, the truth is that results vary depending on the patient, condition, and severity.

Keep in mind that you won’t likely notice immediate results right after the treatment. Some patients experience an improvement in just a few days. But the typical results become apparent after 1 – 3 months.

In some cases, it can be as long as 6 – 9 months before experiencing the full results from regenerative medicine.

Remember that it takes time for cell regrowth. These treatments work with the natural healing functions in the body, which means you won’t experience overnight results.

Choose a Regenexx Physician

If you want to achieve the same results for yourself, then make sure you are working with a trained physician in the Regenexx network. Our team at RegenOrthoSport is proud to offer these specialized services, with many years of experience and a long list of satisfied patients.

Whether recovering from a sports injury or living with chronic pain, we invite you to reach out at your convenience to book a consultation. Contact our team, and we will gladly schedule an appointment. Call our office any time if you have questions: (817) 859-8167.


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